08 May 2024

Tag: exercise

Sitting is the new smoking
Strong & Healthy, Work

Risks of Prolonged Sitting 

Sitting for a prolonged period of time and also physical inactivity leads to a decrease in blood flow thus resulting in multiple diseases. The world health organization has advised at least mild exercise for about 150 minutes per week. Sitting risks in regular life is…

Keep Your Desk Job Cool and Healthy

Keep Your Desk Job Cool and Healthy 

Sitting for so long without any breaks can exhaust the mind. Always choose a quick walk to escape from sleepiness. Sitting is a new form of smoking, people are at high risk for those who are following a desk job without any proper exercise, especially…

7 Steps to a Healthier Attitude
Strong & Healthy

7 Steps to a Healthier Attitude 

Are you looking for some steps for healthy attitude? Do you often feel very low and dismantled and at a loss how to form a healthy attitude? A healthy attitude is the bedrock of a happy and contented life. Healthier attitude connotes a positive mindset…