09 May 2024

Category: Beauty

Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair

5 Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair 

Ingrown hairs are certainly ugly and they appear like bumps on the face, with the hair growing inside looking apparent. Ingrown hair occurs because the hair curls inwards and starts growing inside the skin. People who have curly or rough textured hair experience it more…

Take Care this Winter
Beauty, Strong & Healthy

Take care this Winter 

Winter seems to be a favorite season for many people. The sunny mornings, piping hot food and many other activities are the top things to do in this wonderful season. However, one thing that loses its luster in this cold season is skin. The skincare…

Tips to get a shining smile quickly

Tips to get a shining smile quickly 

Everyone dreams for a shining white smile and is on the wish lists of many people. Taking care of teeth is a part of normal routine, but everyone is advised to practice an oral hygiene daily. But sometimes there may be some situations like a…

7 Things you need to know about Bronzers

7 Things you need to know about Bronzers 

Bronzers are tools in your makeup kit that should be applied with care. If there is one makeup product that you should be scared about it is the bronzer. It can make or ruin your face. It has to be applied with great care. Here…

Beauty, Style N Fashion

Beauty Trends to Follow This Year! 

The new year promises a time of self-expression, experimentation, and renewed sustainability. Fashion and beauty trends have changed over the years, and they represent the customs and way of life people lived in each era. From Queen Elizabeth’s lead makeup to the current day’s clean…