19 May 2024

10 Beauty mistakes that turn men off

10 Beauty Mistakes that Turn Men Off 

Just as we women get turned off  by certain grooming practices of men, the same applies to us too. Sometimes we don’t even realize what it is that turn men off us. Here is some of the most common beauty mistakes that make our dates…


6 Tips to Make Waxing Less Painful 

Waxing is always painful. But it is the most effective hair removal method when compared to the other temporary methods such as hair cream removal or shaving. Some find this method more painful than others. Maybe there are some things that you are not doing…

9 Inventive recycled pots
Home & Kitchen

9 Inventive Recycled Pots 

Are you fed up of buying the same old ceramic or mud pots? Do you want to add some life to your garden? Do you want to reflect your personality? Then there is no better way than to make your own pots.Not only can you…

Quick Fix for Your Chipped Nails

Quick Fix for Your Chipped Nails 

How many times have you chipped our nails just after a manicure? Did you chip your nails washing dishes or typing away furiously on the keyboard?Whatever the reason, a chipped nail can cause as much pain as a heart break. Here are 3 ways to…
