When everything is organic these days, why not celebrate vinayaka chaturthi environment-friendly. Everyone might not be having backyard to perform immersion rituals. So you may place a clay ganesha idol inside a clay pot along with water. No wonder the idols would sprout into greens which can be harvested by next month or so.

You might be surprised this trend has become a fire now. People who are involved in terrace gardening can try ganesh idol that comes with Amaranth or pigweed. The idols are made with clay mixed with vegetable seeds. They will sprout within three days once you immerse ganesha idol within the flower pot.

What you need is one-feet tall clay idol, a clay flower pot, a packet of seeds and manure. Instead of immersing the idol in the sea, people can do it easily at their balconies. Now itself, the seed ganeshas are selling off like hot cake. Many are searching for them to purchase from online.

The seed ganeshas are going to benefit you many ways. First, it avoids pollution in water bodies due to the usage of colorful plaster of paris idols. Second, they are one of the easiest ways to grow your own food. Once you sow the seeds, they will start sprouting in 21 days. Get yourself ready to harvest the greens. This is one of the easiest way to grow green this ganesh chaturthi right at home.