11 Sep 2024

Lifestyle Hacks

How to Make Mayonnaise at Home from Scratch 

Who doesn’t love mayonnaise? This creamy, tangy condiment has found its way into countless dishes around the world, from sandwiches and salads to dips and dressings. But did you know that making mayonnaise at home is easier than you might think? With just a few…

5 Care tips for handling your pet

5 Care tips for handling your pet 

Having a pet is a very exciting thing for the family. But there are certain risks involved if the pets are not handled carefully. The pet can be your best friend and the best playmate for your children. Teach them to handle them the correct…

Foods Dogs should never eat

Foods dogs should never eat 

The wolf descendants have been the man’s best friend since time immemorial. True as much as our dogs love us and are loyal to us we share the same if not more instincts for our furry friends. As they are a part of our family…


7 Things you need to know about Bronzers 

Sun exposure can cause a lot of skin damage. However, there is an easy way to avoid it. Ready to achieve a perfect glow without the harmful effects of the sun? If yes, applying facial bronzers can give you a naturally appealing, beautiful look. These…
