25 Apr 2024

Lifestyle Hacks

5 Mistakes Made When Ironing Clothes 

  An iron is an essential piece of equipment to get our clothes free of creases. We sometimes ruin our clothes due to some mistakes that we make while ironing. Here are some common mistakes that we make with the iron: 1. Cranking up the…

7 Top job posting phrases decoded

7 Top Job Posting Phrases Decoded 

  Have you often taken up a job that you dropped after 3 months because you did not figure out what the company really had in store for you? Do not fall the victim of companies that lure their employees by hiding the truth in…

6 Must-have Makeup Brushes

6 Must-have Makeup Brushes 

Brushes in makeup are like brushes we use to paint a canvas. The application of makeup is an art and with the aid of fine brushes, you can create a masterpiece. It is good that you invest in good quality makeup brushes if you are…


5 Makeup Products for Teenagers 

As teenagers we all were excited to use makeup. But then I’m sure most of our moms did not listen too favorably to our ideas on doing up our faces. The key to applying makeup as teenagers is to be minimalistic and allow the natural…
