08 May 2024

Category: Work

How to handle office politics
Career & Money, Work

How to handle office politics 

Office politics are a part of every work environment. Every working person has to experience the office politics in their lifetime. When there are more people, things like jealousy, back biting and rear licking are very common. Often politics involves some abnormal species like annoying…

Career & Money, Work

10 Ways to Ensure Workplace Safety for Women 

In today’s progressive society, prioritizing workplace safety for women is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. Employers must go beyond mere compliance and strive to create environments where women feel empowered, respected, and protected.  In this blog post, we’ll explore some crucial…

Sitting is the new smoking
Strong & Healthy, Work

Risks of Prolonged Sitting 

Sitting for a prolonged period of time and also physical inactivity leads to a decrease in blood flow thus resulting in multiple diseases. The world health organization has advised at least mild exercise for about 150 minutes per week. Sitting risks in regular life is…

Career & Money, empowerment, Work

How to Say No to Colleagues 

People often avoid using “no” in their conversation, assuming it implies negativity and sounds unprofessional. But the word “no” has an equivalent power to saying “yes.”  Saying no in your workplace can be quite challenging, as you may not want to sound harsh and create…