Categories: Food and Recipes

How to make the perfect Chocolate Ganache

All of us love our chocolate cakes and desserts. And Ganache forms an important element or part of these heavenly delights. It might seem to all that view these desserts that they are really hard t make. But trust me once you make it, you’ll never stop using it in your desserts.

Here’s how we make the  Chocolate Ganache

Step 1: Chop the cooking chocolate

Step 2: Boil heavy cream on a low or medium flame till it comes to a boil.

Step 3: Remove from the flame and mix in the chopped or grated chocolate.

Step 4: Combine well and stir till it becomes also liquid and glossy.

Step 5: Now you can have three different types of Ganache icings.

  • If it is for between layers of cake, pour onto the cake after 5 minutes of sitting.
  • If it is for a soft cream layer on the top of a cake, allow it to sit in the refrigerator for a few minutes to stiffen and then spread on the cake.
  • If you are using it as a thick looking molded Ganache then allow it to set in the refrigerator for it to thicken, till it can form a thick chocolate cream that is then beaten to become a softer mixture and then spread on the cake for a firmer finish.
  • There is no hard and fast rule in making Ganache. You can add or subtract the ingredients after assessing the finished product and learning through the process of trial and error.

But one trick in measurements of making Ganache I can share with you that are:

  1. For Harder Glaze: 3 parts chocolate to 1 part heavy cream, along with 1 tablespoon of corn syrup.
  2. For Truffles: 2 parts chocolate and 1 part heavy cream
  3. For Cake Filling: Equal parts of chocolate and heavy cream
  4. For Soft Cream: 1 Part Chocolate to 2 parts heavy cream

Additional Tips:

  • Do not melt chocolate at a high temperature otherwise it will burn and taste bitter and even sometimes become grainy and thick.
  • Add a little butter to the Ganache to make it look glossy.
  • Chop the chocolate evenly and into small pieces for it to melt easily and evenly and so that the chocolate does not seize because the outer part of chocolate heats up too much.
  • You can flavor the Ganache with flavoring such as coffee liquor, wine or peppermint extract or any other flavoring of your choice.

So now that you’ve learnt a few tricks of the trade, it’s time for you to attempt this simple cake topping that most of us are too scared to even attempt.





Meet Linda, an experienced writer dedicated to providing practical advice for women in the realms of beauty, fashion, health, and mental wellness. With a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for empowering women, Linda's articles offer insightful guidance and actionable tips to help women enhance their overall well-being and confidence. Drawing from her extensive knowledge in these areas, Linda's writing is characterized by its practicality, accessibility, and emphasis on self-care. Whether it's exploring the latest beauty trends, decoding fashion essentials, promoting healthy living habits, or advocating for mental wellness, Linda's work serves as a beacon of inspiration for women seeking to prioritize their self-care and lead fulfilling lives. Join Linda on a journey towards holistic wellness, where practical advice meets empowerment, and every woman can thrive.

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